Sunday, February 06, 2011

For little Karl

One of my cousins recently had yet another little boy. He is called Karl.
It's not that often that I see my cousin anymore, but I still think that I could send a gift for her newborn son - and you know that I just love making small clothes. And besides she's such a lovely woman, my cousin.

I'm going to knit a Djævlehue or two and I will put a pair of trousers in the package as well. The trousers are the ones you see above. . .and here.
I made them this autumn and they have been hanging on a coat hanger ever since. Now I have found the right recipient, who might fit a size 68 centilong soon - that's just wonderful!

The yarn for the hats is the same one, which I used for the sweater for Agnes. I bought the ecological cotton in a beautiful pale blue colour yesterday, which hopefully will look fine on Karl's little head.


  1. Åhhhh, hvor ER de bukser altså skønne! Sådan en barselsgave bliver man bare SÅ glad for. Du er altså også ret god til det med at finde på skønne , Ulla ;-)

  2. Tusind tak, Rosanna. :)) Det er jeg bare glad for at du synes.
    Det var dejligt at have bukserne klar så det bare var et par små huer der skulle strikkes. Den ene er færdig, så inden længe kan jeg sende pakken afsted. :))

    Rigtig god tirsdag - jeg håber ikke at i er blevet for hårdt ramt af det kraftige blæsevejr.



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