Friday, March 01, 2013

MY DAILY JUNK is a lovely shop!

If you feel the need for lovely stuff, then you just have to follow the way to Wenche's new beautiful shop. It's called My Daily Junk and is owned by Wenche whom you might know from the blog Tusindfryd. She's also the talented dollmaker behind the book Tusindfryd dukker.

She is amazing at finding cool items, which can make your day even more colourful and happy. and there is even a gorgeous DIY kit for making a little Waldorf doll.

Be prepared to get tempted when you enter the shop. I have already bought stickers and other lovely things which I can't live without...

Photo from My Daily Junk's website

Hvis du føler trang til skønne ting, så skal du bare følge vejen til Wenches nye fine butik. Den hedder My Daily Junk og er ejet af Wenche, som du måske allerede kender fra bloggen Tusindfryd. Hun er også den talentfuld dukkemager bag bogen Tusindfryds dukker.

Hun er utrolig god til at finde seje ting som kan gøre din dag endnu mere farverig og glad. Og der er endda et superfint gør det selv kit, så man kan lave en lille Waldorf dukke.

Vær forberedt på at blive fristet når du "træder ind" i butikken. Jeg har allerede købt stickers og andre skønne ting som jeg ikke kan være foruden...

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